Friday, 27 January 2012

Dutch ducks III

Thanks to the economic crisis and Ton Döpp I could extend my Dutch duck collection with a beautiful ♂ Wigeon (Anas penelope/Smient) and ♂ Smew (Mergus albellus/Nonnetje). Let me explain. The planned building activities for a new recreation park at the shore of this lake have been postponed (or cancelled?) because of the financial problems in the real estate market. Anyhow, this brave little Smew is alert as ever, hunting on small fish in the rain. The Wigeon is taking a powernap (or is it an after lunch dip?).

* Canon EOS 7D with 500mm/f4 IS and 1.4x; ISO-200, f7.1, 1/500s; from beanbag.
* Canon EOS 7D with 500mm/f4 IS and 1.4x; ISO-200, f7.1, 1/100s, -0.7 stop; from beanbag.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Ice floor

I recommend anyone who is interested in landscape photography to find and explore a ‘local patch’. For me there are 4 requirements for such a local patch:
  • It must be close to home.
  • It must be suitable for sunrises and/or sunsets; in practice this means that there must be enough far horizon.
  • It must have sufficient foreground variation, i.e. different structures to experiment with.
  • There must be water, for instance a small lake or large ditch, for working with reflections.
Mine is open heath area with a pool surrounded by forest. It is reachable within 6 minutes (5 minute drive and 1 minute walk), and is suitable for sunrises (not so much for sunsets). Why is a local patch important? Just count the number of really dramatic sunrises or sunsets in a year, may be there are 10 if you are lucky. On these 10 occasions, how many times are you able to witness it with your camera? I am optimist, so let’s say 3? Then you’d better be fast and prepared! Anyhow, here is my local patch with an ice floor on the pool. Sunrise is nice, with a pinkish winter sky reflected in the ice, but not dramatic.

* Canon EOS 5D Mark II with 17-40mm/f4 @ 20mm; ISO-200, f16, 2s; polarization filter and 2 stop ND gradient filter; from tripod.
* Canon EOS 5D Mark II with 17-40mm/f4 @ 20mm; ISO-200, f16, 0.5s, +0.3 stop; 2 stop ND gradient filter; from tripod.

Monday, 2 January 2012

Hen Harrier at first

Sunshine is scarce these days. But when the sun peeps through the clouds the winter light is so beautiful. I am very pleased that my first 2012 upload is a hunting Hen Harrier (Circus cyaneus/Blauwe Kiekendief). One intention already has come true. I wish you all the best for 2012, good health, lots of happiness, and amazing light.

* Canon EOS 7D with 500mm/f4 IS and 1.4x; ISO-400, f5.6, 1/640s; from beanbag.