Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Nightjar endurance

It must be a relief for this breeding Nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus/Nachtzwaluw) that the heat wave of last week will end soon now. She sits on her ground nest on the hot forest floor (with temperatures well above 40°C in the sun) from 5h30 AM till 22h15 PM in exactly the same pose, without anything to drink. This must be harder than a stage in the Tour de France. Respect!

* Canon EOS 7D, 500mm/f4; ISO-400, f4, 1/1000s; -0.7 stop; tripod.

Friday, 12 June 2015

Fifty shades of grey

Strabrechtse Heide. Photo is taken just after a heavy thunderstorm. No coloured sunset but a fifty shades of grey variant this time.

* Canon EOS 5D Mark II, 16-35mm/f4 @ 16mm; ISO-200, f16, 1/25s; ND2 hard gradient filter; tripod.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Orchid paradise

Most photographers have more or less a fixed agenda dictated by nature. For me this nearby marshland with Heath-spotted Orchids (Dactylorhiza maculate/Gevlekte Orchis) is the place to be early June.

* Canon EOS 5D Mark II, 70-200mm/f2.8 @ 140mm; ISO-125, f5.6, 1/320s; tripod.
* Canon EOS 5D Mark II, 70-200mm/f2.8 @ 200mm; ISO-50, f3.2, 1/250s; tripod.
* Canon EOS 5D Mark II, 70-200mm/f2.8 @ 200mm; ISO-400, f4, 1/100s; -0.3 stop; flash; tripod.