Saturday, 14 February 2009

Love is in the air

Already in December 2008 I setup a well-camouflaged hide where I could lie unseen at the bank of a small lake. Today I could freeze some action that I hoped for.
The central female and male Gadwall (Anas strepera/Krakeend) were all the time very close to one another (after all it is Valentine today!). Both snap at the obtrusive drake that flies just in front of them (it is hard to tell from the photo but I think there is even body contact between the males). The leftmost drake is present on sufferance.
Earlier this morning a Mute Swan (Cygnus olor/Knobbelzwaan), catching the first sun rays, was floating by.

Sunday, 8 February 2009

Frosty tussocks

After a cold night the sun rises above the “Bargerveen” in the south-east of Drenthe, near the German border. The pattern of tussocks, accentuated by frost and shadow, drew my attention during an early morning walk together with my dad.