The weather prediction yesterday at the 8 o’clock evening news: “Tomorrow rain, in the south-east (that’s where I live) may be a scarce clear period in early morning”. Such an approaching front offers good chances for nice sunrises. Some time ago I re-discovered a promising patch of heath with a few fens very close to my home, viz. “Kamerven” near Gerwen. So, off I went in early morning, and this was what I saw. A distant singing Mistle Thrush (
Turdus viscivorus/Grote Lijster) and the wheeling “
krrück, krrück, krrück, … kliiii-eh” sound of the Black Woodpecker (
Dryocopus martius/Zwarte Specht) in the woods at the horizon heralded spring.
* Canon EOS 20D with 17-40mm/f4 @ 17mm; ISO-200, f9, 1/60s, +0.3 stop; hand held with polarization filter and 2 stop ND gradient filter.