Finally winter has come! The last couple of days the temperature stayed below zero at daytime. Water turns into ice. And today we had some serious snow, with the usual side effects in The Netherlands, i.e. non-functional trains and huge traffic jams.
However, before the snowfall started I went with Jos van de Kerkhof, Theo van de Mortel and Wilco Minten to Zeeland to photograph shore birds. Here are 2 highlights: Dunlin (
Calidris alpina/Bonte Strandloper) and Spotted Redshank (
Tringa erythropus/Zwarte Ruiter) on ice.
* Canon EOS 7D with 500mm/f4 IS and 1.4x; ISO-400, f5.6, 1/320s, +0.7 stop; from beanbag.
* Canon EOS 7D with 500mm/f4 IS; ISO-400, f5.6, 1/500s, +0.7 stop; from beanbag.
I can’t withhold today’s sunset. So I added a third picture with snowy dikes and snow showers moving south towards Belgium. Temperatures were dropping fast when we drove back … to be continued (see next post).
* Canon EOS 5D Mark II with 17-40mm/f4 @ 17mm; ISO-400, f8, 1/60s, +0.7 stop; hand held.