Friday, 7 December 2012

Winter has really begun!

The first snow was predicted and snow was what we got. I teamed up again with Marijn Heuts, and together we had a very pleasant day in the field. We first tried close-ups, abstracts, and flash photography in the woodland south of Eindhoven. See below for a Larch (Larix sp/Lariks) tree with snow-covered branches. Later on the day, we spent some quality time with a large number of Wood Pigeons (Columba palumbus/Houtduif), Stock Pigeons (Columba oenas/Holenduif), Chaffinches (Fringilla coelebs/Vink), and Bramblings (Fringilla montifringilla/Keep) that foraged on the last edible remains of what once was a cornfield.
All in all, we managed to sort of control the restlessness that usually comes with the first day of snow!

* Canon EOS 5D Mark II, 100mm/f2.8; ISO-400, f8, 1/10s; +0.3 stop; tripod.

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