At the pier of IJmuiden you can always find interesting birds at this time of year. Checking out the beach revealed a few groups of foraging Sanderlings (
Calidris alba/Drieteenstrandloper). This time I managed to capture the characteristic feet-of-floor shot! As you could see I could not keek-up with its speed. Later on the day I saw o.a. Red-throated Diver (
Gavia stellata/Roodkeelduiker), Gannet (
Sula bassana/Jan-van-Gent), Arctic Skua (
Stercorarius parasiticus/Kleine Jager), Kittiwake (
Rissa tridactyla/Drieteenmeeuw), and Guillemot (
Uria aalge/Zeekoet) around the pier.
* Canon EOS 7D with 500mm/f4 IS; ISO-400, f6.3, 1/2500s; -0.3 stop; from beanbag (in frying pan).